It’s safe to say that not all bike rides were created as equally as others. While some rides were supported with SAG vehicles and rest stops that enabled riders to both stop and refuel while on the way to their destinations, century rides were built with a more comfortable attitude towards all of their events. The specific items that you bring with you depend on the actual ride itself, meaning you should take the time to research what kind of support your ride gives you.
When it comes to a 100-mile ride, however, there are some important items that you definitely should not go without!
What to Pack in Your Saddle Bag
The first thing to keep in mind is that if you’re without a good saddle bag, a century ride is definitely a good reason to invest in one. These are the basic items that you should include in this type of bag:
- Patch kit
- One or more spare tubes
- Tire lever
- Cartridge of Co2
- Multi-tool
What to Pack in Your Back Pockets
When you see three rear pockets in cycling jerseys, it’s important to know that these exist for a specific reason. They’re there for you to use every bit of as wisely as you can. Typically, these are the areas in which you will want to put items that you will want to access the most. This will generally consist of a Ziplock bag that contains the following:
- Your driver’s license
- Insurance information
- Mobile phone
- Money
- Tube of sunscreen
- Road ID containing all of your personal information (optional)
- Nutrition of your choice
- Energy bars
- Gels (typically two caffeinated gels and one non-caffeinated gel; the caffeinated one should be used within the last 20 miles or so when you’re likely to need a boost)
- Banana
- Extra water bottle
What to Pack on Your Bike
As expected, there are some items that will simply be too large to fit either in your saddle bag or inside your jersey pockets. In cases such as this, be sure to have both water bottle cages installed on your frame installed. Additionally, invest in the following:
- Two water bottles; one should contain a nutritional supplement, while the other should contain plain water.
- Compact frame pump
Here are some additional tips that will help you along the way in completing your 100-mile bike ride:
Always Stay Loose
Staying as loose and relaxed as possible is perhaps the most important thing that you can do during any century ride. In fact, many veterans recommend that instead of keeping your body locked in, you keep it loose, relax your shoulders, and keep your elbows slightly bent. Doing this will prevent your back and neck from tightening up while you’re riding.
Always Know Where You Are
A lot of established riders always know what to do in order to prevent themselves from getting lost; however, it’s always important to have some sort of a backup plan established just to be on the safe side. For instance, consider packing a map or coming up with a cue sheet. Even better, bring along a GPS, which will greatly help you figure out just how far along you actually are.
Try Losing Weight
If by chance you happen to be overweight, chances are you may be thinking of some ways that you can lose those extra pounds. On the other hand, if you’re already in good enough shape, then you can use your bike to help you along in your weight loss journey! The most important thing to remember is to not overdo anything.
Enjoy Your Ride
Always remember that when it comes to riding, the most important thing is to have as much fun as you can with it, no matter what your reason for riding may be!